Monday, June 8, 2009

Lego Exhibit

Connor and Cambell are staying with us this week while Candice and Rob are in Las Vegas celebrating their first anniversary. It's hard to believe it has already been a year. We are looking forward to a fun week with the kids. We took Connor and Cambell to a Lego exhibit today and it was a sight. I have never seen so many Lego's. The dragon in the picture is made of Lego's. That must have taken quite a while to put together.
Cambell enjoyed sliding down the slide that came out of a castle built with all sizes of Lego's. She went down that slide at least 100 times. We got there when it opened so it wasn't very busy at first. Lots of children were sliding by the time Cambell was tired.
Cambell also enjoyed building with the giant Lego's. She wanted to build a tower that was her size so she did. Good job Cambell!
Connor and Papa worked on building a castle. It took a long time but they enjoyed hunting for just the right piece and then deciding on where it should go in order to get the castle they were thinking about.
Connor and Papa are very proud of there castle. They worked hard on it and enjoyed working on it together. Great Job Connor and Papa!!

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